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Geek News Today

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Chickenlord Subject of the Day! #3 "ESRB"

The ESRB rating system for video games has been around since "Mortal Combat" started producing controversial complaints with people. Although i believe that video games should have a rating system so a 4 year old can't walk into a Game Stop and buy GTA 4. I do believe they rate the games WAY to harshly. I think that blood and violence shouldn't automatically give the game a higher rating. Also Most games now a days are hackable and modable which lets a person create any kind of content the wish, which i believe because one dude created a nude patch on Oblivion should make it automatically a "M" rated Game!!!....unless it came with all the games....then i wouldn't mind if it were rated "M". So the subject of the day is...ESRB is stupid and should let the gamers choose the ratings of video games.

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