Geek News Today Headline Animator

Geek News Today

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Subject of the Week : christmas music

Yes jake if you havnt noticed i'v been changing the names of my reveiws since we started this blog...but it doesnt really mater cause we're really thr only people who read it. But i think i'm gunna stop numbering them, and just call them "subject of the week : blank blank".
This week I've chosen Christmas music because its already on the fudging radio stations. And it's not just in PA ether, I ask a couple Wow guildys and its all over the place. I have no problem with christmas music, i love it but i think that its still a little too early for it. Its before thanksgiving for god sac...Has christmas become that much of a comercial that we have to start advertising it right after halloween (im not sure if i spelled that right)? I think that Christmas music should be played at least at the begining of december. It would accually make more sence if they started like 10-15 days before the 25th.
Second of all were is the thanksgiving music? No artist came up with a song that describes, a day were every american has the right to gain a dozen pounds and its publically acceptable?

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